Monday, March 24, 2008

it's all downhill from here.

sup hoes.

so, i'm in biology. spring break week is over, and honestly i'm a little sad. i think the week went by extremely fast and i think we should take another week off. i didn't do much over spring break, mostly because the only person i ever hang out with is trent, and since he was up at blackburn, i didn't do much. i worked on my scrapbook for jilg, it's almost done and needs to be completely done by next week. i'm scared.

trent returned from hilton head, he said it was a really good trip... well except for the fact he had to sleep with a guy and he almost got raped in his sleep. i'm glad he didn't. he brought me back a deck of hilton head cards, they're nice. i like them, and i keep them in my purse :D and i'm glad he had a good time. he really deserved that vacation.

i haven't blogged in a long time. my brand new laptop is completely ruined. it started shutting off for no reason at all and i had to take it back to best buy and they had to send it away to get fixed and now i have to wait 2-3 more weeks until i get my computer back. i hate it. i can't do anything. i need to fill out my fafsa and it's not being done because i don't have a computer.

i'm going to have a very busy week. very very busy. then after this week is over i have to go up to blackburn for the weekend so i can do a written interview to apply for the full-ride presidential scholarship. only 6 kids get full-ride, and that would be amazing if one of those six would be me.

i think that's all i have to say for now.
i can't wait for this week to be over and to see trent!

and as everyone always says about the school year:
"after spring break, it's all downhill from there."

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

oh, tuesday.

hello children.

it's once again another week at sesser-valier high school. nothing is different, things are getting stressful again. i'm going to probably have to work on ddr shit for my entire spring break, and i have no idea how i'm going to get the videos to trent if he doesn't come down this weekend, and if he does come down this weekend, they probably won't have all of the movies put together so that we can edit them. so, what's going to happen is that i'm going to have to work on them myself because trent will be back at blackburn and i have never edited a video in my life, trent does all that stuff, and i'll screw things up. hopefully this doesn't happen. also mrs. laur said she would pay trent if he did all the video editing, and i told him he would get paid, and today she asked if he would do it, i said yes, and then she hinted at not paying him. and if that's the way she's gonna work things, he isn't going to do it. and i don't blame him.

the posse has a joint page:

haha, i just realized how gay that is.
kim's a gay person.

i'm so excited for trent to come back... i know it's only been a couple weeks since i've seen him but ever since he's been on spring break to south carolina i talk to him MAYBE 10 minutes a day, and it really sucks. it's bad enough he lives so far away, at least we still had the phone then. but now, i don't even get to talk to him on the phone. i can't wait for this week to be over so he can come back home and see me. selfish, but i miss my boyfriend.

alright, i think that's all.

Friday, March 7, 2008

well, she's the devil.

mrs. johnson: did you ask your teacher if you could go?
tinsley: no.
mrs. johnson: who is your teacher? you have to ask your teachers.
tinsley: oh, well mrs. laur is my teacher.
mrs. johnson: well you have to ask your teacher if you can go.
tinsley: well, mrs. laur is the devil.

bahaha! :D:D:D
michael tinsley just made my day.

so anyways, i think i'm completely done with my JILG portfolio. which is great, because that thing was dang huge and i'm glad it's finished. and since i'm done, this means that i get to sit and do nothing for the entire hour. and i actually like the kids in my class, most of them are pretty stupid & entertaining.

trent left for south carolina yesterday! he's going to be gone for a week, and i really hope he has a lot of fun! the weather channel said that there were some pretty intense storms going through that area this morning, so i hope the weather is beautiful for the rest of the week there so that he can golf as much as his little heart desires! i really hope he has fun, my boyfriend is the busiest guy in the entire world, and he does so much, not to mention dealing with me everyday, and i think he deserves a vacation. i hope it's good. and i hope he brings me a sweet present back, he promised he would :D

it's now time for me to randomly look at people and write embarassing things they're doing:

lindi just said, "iggy pop and the stupids!"
lindi's not listening to kissFM anymore because they said lindsay lohan got a face lift.
maria has the dumbest look on her face when she's concentrating
:'d <--just like that.
trishina's going to get a root canal.
the boys are laughing at katie cause she's looking at bras on the internet.

i think that's all.
i'm bored.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

today is weird.

it's true. today is weird!

it's gross outside and snowy and icy and we shouldn't have even had school. lots of other schools were cancelled for today, and i feel that ours should be the same. and, the school admins are even saying that there's a possibility we won't have school for the rest of the week due to the terrible weather.
although i feel that snow days are good, i do have an argument that they are not good because i would like to graduate before next august when the kids come back to school.

trent came home this weekend, what a guy. he's so good to me :)
we had a good weekend together.
he's going to south carolina on thursday and he's going to be gone for 9 days. he says we'll be able to talk as much as we do now, and i hope so. he's the thing i look forward to doing at night! lol.
that sounded incredibly weird.

our schedule is all messed up. instead of normal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7....
this week we're going...

4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 7

and i apologize for the first half of this blog because it was meant to be published tuesday, but i got caught by mrs. brockett in computers and of course, we're not supposed to be blogging during school! so, i couldn't finish the blog. and amazingly, she didn't rip my head off and roll it down the hallway, she just told me to get off blogger. sweet. so now the blog will continue from today, thursday.

so i got my haircut. i actually got a lot chopped off and nobody really seemed to notice. maybe people don't pay that much attention to me. but anyways, i like my haircut. i have sweet layers and cool bangs. and i got my eyebrows waxed, and it hurt. hahaaa. i am so tired of school, i can't wait to graduate.

they changed the date for graduation, again!
may 22
so;; plan to attend my graduation on this day from now on.
and there WILL be a riot if they move the date back again.

ookay, this is too long. and i'm tired of typing.
goodbye fellows.