Monday, April 21, 2008

wow, it's been a while.

hello friends...

so i haven't posted a blog in a long time...

blogger used to be the cool thing to do, when mrs. brockett was gone. but now that she's back fromt maternity leave she watches the computers like crazy and we can't get on blogger anymore or we'll get yelled at, like i did.

but anyways, now i'm in biology and there's nothing to do so i can actually write! awesome.

so high school is coming to an end as we know it. i only have like 15 days of school left and i'm going to cry at graduation. i just know it.

but, aside from graduation is prom coming up! i'm so excited! this will be my last prom ever, and i believe i'm going to make it the best prom ever. i'm freakin out man.

oh and also in other news, trent went crazy. all he ever does is sleep, work, class, and write blogs about how he's going nuts... so watch out for him. (i love you, baby) :D

okay, i think that's all for now.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

it's back!

so i have been computer-less for the past 3 or 4 weeks.
my laptop started acting weird the day i bought it, i would be on it doing something and all of a sudden it would just turn off. and every time i used it, the turning-off would get worse. so finally i brought it back to best buy and they said they had to run a diagnostic test on it, and couldn't even complete the diagnostic test because the computer wouldn't stay on long enough. but, they sent it away (to india, trent says) and had to replace the whole motherboard. but finally yesterday i got it back and trent went to pick it up for me...

things seem to be working well now.
i hope it stays that way.

oh, and also...
my contract runs out on my phone next month and i've decided on what phone i am going to get. it's the enV(2) from verizon wireless LG and it's beautiful. look it up on the internet.