Tuesday, January 8, 2008

transportation problems.

so the streetlight manifesto concert got cancelled.

well not cancelled, postponed.
they had "transportation problems."

although trent was running late, and i was mad, the night turned out pretty well. OF COURSE, trent was running late and i was angry, haha. and just as he was coming to my house to pick me up, his sister called and said that the concert had been cancelled. he got to my house and said so, and i was upset! i was so looking forward to seeing streetlight manifesto... it makes me sad. but i guess it's good that it was only postponed, that means we will still get to see a concert, but who knows when. so trent was at my house and we had nothing to do. we decided to go to red lobster to eat, which was amazing! the food was good and trenton and i had fun. we also even got crab legs and had a lot of fun trying to crack them open! tehe. it was the first time i ever had crab legs, and even though i don't really think i liked them, i still liked cracking them open and pulling the stuff out and eating it. haha.

then we went to toys-r-us. that was okay, there was practically nobody in there except me and trent. we looked at the video games and the computer games and board games, and then trent was complaining about how he had to go to the bathroom, so he left. i thought the kid went to the bathroom and he called me like 10 minutes later, and he was out in the car! he said he thought i went to the car and i thought he went to the bathroom. so then i realized i was walking around in toys-r-us like a lunatic by myself. haha. so i went to leave and i couldn't find the exit. it's cool though, the guy working there thought i was nuts though, i think he thought i was either a psychopath or trying to steal something, he asked if i was "doing okay" and then asked if i "needed any help." ...what a freak.

then we went home.
i hope i get to see me some streetlight soon.

the toys-r-us bandit.

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