Monday, February 4, 2008

A Trip to BC

so i had a really good weekend =]
i went up to blackburn to visit trenton and hang out with him for the weekend. we had a lot of fun, and the whole weekend was great. i went up there saturday morning and left sunday afternoon. it was really snowy, but i didn't have too much trouble driving up there, i mostly drove interstates so there were no slick spots. although, i couldn't say the same for blackburn campus. everything was iced over, and the only footprints in the snow were the ones from the first person who had to walk through the snow, then everyone else just followed the first person's footprints, so that's what i did. but aside from the snow, the weekend was really fun.

i got up there saturday morning after 2 hours of driving, and luckilly trent was able to get my phone call when i got there and come let me in the dorm, opposed to last time when i couldn't call him and i stood outside for 20 minutes waiting for him to come unlock the door for me. trent lives on the third floor now, and the stairs aren't fun, i will admit. he's also made a top bunk bed out of his bed, which is now located on the top of his dresser and desk, making it impossible for me to get up there, because i'm so scared i'm going to fall 6 feet down and hit the ground. but, after i got there we went to this chinese restaurant in litchfield, and it was really really good. we ate sushi and accidently tracked mud all over the floor :) haha. then saturday night we went to see this magician, named brian brushwood, who was absolutely hilarious. he's a college-traveling magician and he's great. he did a lot of tricks and magic stuff that was really good, and he even lit himself on fire and cut his tongue off. it's true. then after the magician i went and met some of trent's friends and played some pool. then we went back to trent's dorm and decided to go to the new wal-mart, which is AMAZING! i've never seen a wal-mart like it, and when you walk down the frozen food aisles, the lights are all off. BUT, when you walk down the aisle, the lights turn on! it's great, we spent about 15 minutes just running down the aisles and then trying to get down the aisles without turning the lights on. fantastic. then we took our little shopping cart and did trent's grocery shopping, complete with jello, granola bars, sunny d, and macaroni and cheese. then we went home and went to bed.

i woke up early sunday morning, and went to get in the shower. it was kind of awkward because there were girls in there that didn't know who i was, so being the awesome kid i am, i introduced myself and made some bathroom friends. i was up for almost 3 hours when trent woke up. we watched an episode of the king of queens and then went to our favorite carlinville mexican restaurant. it was good. then it was finally time for me to go home. but trent, being the good boyfriend he is, carried my suitcase out to my car for me and then we said goodbye, it really sucked because i don't get to see him that often, but hopefully we'll see each other again soon... and then it stormed the whole way home... and i hate driving through rain on the interstate.

but, in conclusion, it really was a good weekend. i'm so glad that i got to go up and see trent, i think he had a lot of fun too :)

now enjoy pictures of brian brushwood;

he hammered that nail into his nose.
and he also ate fire.


Fred said...

the real trick was not catching his hair on fire. I wonder how much hairspray he used.

also, i think i'm writing an article about him for the school newspaper and my journalism class. or an article about the event i supposed.

and the weekend was great.

Anonymous said...

that sounds super fun.
i want to see this magician man.