Thursday, January 3, 2008

christmas / new year

hello amigos.

so it's update time! yay.

my life has been pretty hectic lately, and i'm sure everyone else's has too... it's been christmas and new year's, you know. my holidays went pretty well, i got everything i wanted plus more...

chelsea just made a really ugly face.

no but really, christmas was really fun. my parents got me a laptop, new nike shox, tons of clothes, guitar hero III, candy, and lots of other stuff that i can't remember right now, sorry. trent got me a cooler for my laptop, a new wireless mouse, and a new promise ring! it's really gorgeous, i love it. i also got some more clothes and money from the rest of my family, which is great, i like clothes and money. christmas morning was pretty cool, opening gifts is always great, except i thought this year would be somewhat different considering my little brother is a little older and i thought he would at least sleep in a little bit, but no. he burst into my room at 7:30 in the morning, and i had to go open presents. ugh. christmas day was fun. the whole family came over and we all opened presents and ate, fun fun. christmas night i went over to trent's house and got to open more presents from his dad, little sister, and older sister. from them i got money, kohl's gift card, wal-mart gift card, and streetlight manifesto concert tickets, all of which are great. then i spent the night at trent's, that was fun. we got to sleep in late.

so then a few days pass by with my new gifts, i spent a lot of time with trent which was great, because i usually never get to see him because he's so far away for college. we had a lot of fun together. then on december 29, my cousin chandra was scheduled to get her labor induced at the hospital, so my mom & i went up to carbondale and sat with her for a little bit. she was only having small contractions, nothing too much. we stayed the night with her and in the morning her contractions started getting a little worse, and she was having trouble moving around when they started her on medicine to get her labor going faster. we waited all day long and honestly her contractions were only a couple minutes apart when it started getting late, and i spent my second night in the hospital waiting room. we waited all night long, and i living on monster energy drinks and cappuccino's, sat there in the waiting room with about 13 other people. what's great is, trent even came to spend time with the family, and i said that he didn't have to stay, but being the great boyfriend he is, spent the whole night at the hospital with me. then FINALLY, about 5:00am, she started pushing. my mom came into the waiting room about 30 minutes later, he had been born! after three days in the hospital and over 23 hours in labor, aidan thomas smialek was finally here! and he's awfully cute too. he was 8 lbs 7 oz and 20 inches long. he's beautiful. i got to hold him a few minutes after he was born and he is gorgeous, i love him.

then i went to a murder mystery party on new year's eve with trent. it was western-themed, and trent and i looked GOOD as cowboys. my name was hazel honeysuckle, and i was a traveler to the deadwood saloon. trent was my husband, milton farley, and the night was great. i didn't guess the murderer though, but it's ok. it was fun. we went home and watched "zombie honeymoon," which we thought was going to be a porno, haha, because it was on hbo late at night, and we laughed because it was some cheesy no-money-needed-to-make horror film. then after that we went to bed... and slept in until 2pm the next day! haha.

we're back in school now. it kinda sucks, because i liked sleeping in and then getting up and going to spend the whole day with trent, but now i've got to get back to homework and school. not fun. it'll be okay. my birthday's coming up soon.

ok that's all.
hope you enjoyed the update.

the updater.

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