Monday, February 11, 2008

i stole something from my boyfran<3

have you ever...?

been in love?: yes :)
ate cactus?: nope. that's kinda weird.
rode a horse?: once.
skinny dipped?: haha, for sure.
streaked?: yes... lol.
toilet papered a house?: yep.
touched a donkey?: sexually? no!
made out in the dark?: yep.
in the rain?: yes :)
in public?: well, trent says we have, but i don't remember... so i guess so.
ate dirt?: probably.
fainted?: nope.
been in a mosh pit?: yes!
made a mosh pit?: once.
had liberty spikes?: no, haha.
had a mohawk?: nope.
failed a grade?: never.
been in a band?: haha, if you count sunday's best :D
been in marching band?: nuh uh.
wrote an anonomous love letter?: i don't think so.
hate letter?: nope.
had a friend named Bob?: haha, i don't think so.
made hemp bracelets?: nope.
had a heat spell?: haha, probably.
stripped?: ;)
been on a sport team?: back in the day...
gotten beat up?: all the time :D
played in mud?: yes.
thought about your existance?: yes.
swam in a pond?: no, i think i'm too scared.
kissed a stranger?: nope.
had more than 1 love?: nope :)
gave blood?: nuh uh.
believe in love at first sight?: i don't think. i believe in "like at first sight."
been deep sea fishing?: nope, but it sounds fun.
pet a dolphin?: no, but i'd like to.
ate grass?: haha, probably.
been to a concert?: for sure!
been to a show?: isn't this the same as a concert?
been to a party?: yep.
been drunk?: yes.
smoked?: ew, no.
got high?: ew, no.
see sawed?: haha, yes.
went to a scary movie and left?: yes, texas chainsaw massacre.
talked to a cow?: haha, i don't ever think i've been close enough to a cow to talk to it.
skateboarded?: yes.
fell?: yep.
snowboarded?: no, but i'd like to.
ice skated?: once.
mowed the lawn?: unfortunately.
listened to rave music?: not consistantly
rap?: yes.
rock?: yes.
indie?: yes.
emo?: yes.
dressed goth?: haha ugh.
dressed prep?: sure.
talked to yourself?: haha, yeah.
cut yourself?: nope.
seen a naked person?: :D
taken a shower with your clothes on?: i once got in the bathtub with my socks on by accident.
worn socks to bed?: only when my toes are cold.
cussed an animal out?: haha probably.
worn bright pink?: yep.
worn black lipstick?: nope.
been obsessed over somebody?: yeah :)
been kissed by the opposite sex?: yes.
saw story of the year in concert?: i don't think.
yellowcard?: nope.
antiflag?: i don't think.
listened to country?: yes.
been to a country concert?: no.
fed a llama?: haha, i don't know.
rode an elephant?: yes, i begged my mom when i was little, and when i got on it i hated it.
watched a nonrated movie?: yes.
saw a shark?: yes.
had AOL?: yes.
been on the internet for over 5 hours at a time?: haha, yeah.
cussed somebody out in a different language?: i don't know. i don't think.
been burned?: yeah.
been bit by a person?: yes.
ate raw meat?: if sushi counts then yes.
left your light on after watching a scary movie?: haha yeah.
told a joke and nobody laughed?: ugh. yeah. lol.
made your own clothes?: i don't think so.
stook antidepressants?: nope.
asked somebody out?: i don't remember.
danced in your room naked?: probably.
sung in the shower?: yes.
found money?: i wish i did more often.
gave bad advice on purpose?: no.
made someone cry?: yes.
ate a whole box of pizza in one day?: totino's!
bought something off of ebay?: nope.
never paid somebody back?: probably.
done a really stupid dare?: yes.
done something embarassing in public for attention?: probably.
talked on the phone for 4 hours?: yessir.
drunk out of a sippy cup?: yeah.
listened to hot hot heat?: not consistently, but yes.
had a pen pal?: yes.
won an award for anything?: yeah.
grew a plant?: i don't know.
have you ever pee'd in the woods?: no, ew. haha.

oh, and also. i was driving around with paige this weekend and we saw matt & brody and we pulled over and talked to them for awhile and they told us about this porn with the cup and 2 chicks, and apparently all the boys in high school have watched it. and it honestly made me really sick. apparently the girls shit all over eachother then lick it and eat it and it is SICK! oh my gosh... it was so sick that i was crying and gagging and matt actually threw up all over the parking lot. then i saw on youtube where these guys at blackburn made this girl watch it and she was incredibly freaked out. now, i've never seen this, but i'm just saying...'s a revolution!

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