Friday, February 29, 2008

random thoughts

hello friends.

so today has been mediocre. i changed my profile earlier this morning, and i like this just as well as my last one. and weird as it may seem, i thought that my profile should be green, so this is what i came up with. although, i did ask trishina permission to use this profile because she's has the same one but in pink. but she's a chill girl and said she didn't mind. yeah. hahaha. i'm a fag.

some pregnant chick wearing capris stole my computer. does she not understand that i sit at that computer in the library every day of my life? honestly, this year so far, i've NEVER sat anywhere else. and no computer in this library is as great as my computer, NONE. i frikkin hate this computer that i'm sitting at now, the mouse sucks and the keyboard feels weird and it's mixed... no seriously. the monitor is white but the keyboard and tower are black. ugh. i wish i had my old computer back!

mrs. johnson watches lost. that's pretty cool, i had no idea that she watched it. i love that show more than i love life. she just walked over here but i had to switch to solitaire because we can't let the authoritative figures know that we use blogger, because they'll rid it just like they did myspace. damn librarians.

i think this weekend will be cool. i'm not really doing anything tonight, but that's just fine with me. i've been extremely busy this week and i'm glad that i finally have a night where i don't have to do much. i fell asleep in geography so maybe i should take a nap tonight. i think i might. but anyways, i think trent might come home this weekend. i love that kid, really. he would do anything for me, and i love that about him. he wasn't going to come home at first, but then we both realized that he'll be gone for the next two weeks to north carolina [or somewhere, i don't know] and we'll barely even be able to talk. so, being the awesome boyfriend he is, he might come home just to make me happy.

kim and lindi won't shut the fuck up. they're really annoying me.
lindi: she said that you don't sing on time or the right notes.
kim: i do sing the right part lindi! she took me off descant! i sing right i sing right!
lindi: i'm just repeating what she said quit yelling at me!
kim: no you quit yelling at me, i'm just discussing it!
lindi: well go talk to her, i'm just saying what she said.
kim: well i don't want to go talk to her...
everyone: shut up! you're really annoying. one of you go over and talk to the other. quit yelling across the room.
lindi: come over here.
kim: no! you come over here!

that was the most ridiculous moment of my life.
i'm done now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i agree.