Thursday, February 28, 2008

i'm FKN stressed out, dude.

it's true. this week has probably been the most stressful week of my life, and honestly, mrs. johnson's not making it any better right now. ugh.

okay, so first off, i have had so much stuff to do for school this week, enough homework to where i actually have to take it home and work on it for a couple hours a night. and to be honest, i never ever have to take homework home.

secondly, my great aunt sterling is in the hospital, again. she was there a couple weeks ago because she fell and couldn't get up, so when she got out of the hospital, i had to stay with her because she couldn't take care of herself. then, this weekend on my way up to blackburn, i got a call saying that she had fallen again and is in the hospital, again. but this time after she gets out of the hospital they're making her go to a nursing home for about a month so that she can get her strength back and then she'll go home. but to make matters worse, my dad's mother fucking stupid ass family has decided to get in on this and they're trying to make her go to a nursing home really far away. i honestly wouldn't care if they all just died in a terrible car crash. they obviously don't care about her and just want her to go away so they don't have to take care of her anymore. that's cowardly, and i wouldn't care if they just... died. i wouldn't. i know it's a terrible thing to say but goddammit, i hate them. they don't do anything for me and don't even acknowledge that i'm related to them and finally when they do see me, they give me tons of shit about how i never come to see them, and yell at me. and first off, i'm eighteen years old, and not one of those eighteen birthdays or christmases have they ever gotten me anything. why would i want to see them? and i love my aunt sterling more than anyone, she's raised me and taken care of me since i was a little baby, and i don't understand how such an amazing person can be related to such a group of fucking idiots. i don't! i swear if they do anything to make her go far away or anything i'll sue them. i'll take everything they have and leave them homeless.

and yes, i'm a heartless bitch. so what.

oh, and my cell phone bill is due in 8 days and it's $115.
i have about $50.


1 comment:

Fred said...

butcha got hiiiighhhh hopes you got hiiighhh hopppes you got highh apple pie in the skyyyy hopes!