Monday, February 25, 2008

the perfect weekend

i'd like to start off by saying this weekend was one of the best weekends in a very long time.

it all started on thursday [odd day to start the weekend, but whatever] and we had a snow day at school, which was pretty great, i'm always excited to sleep in. all day i did pretty much nothing, which was also good. then on friday we had another snow day, and i've noticed, that we've never had this many days off school since i can remember, and they wait until my senior year to make all these days off school possible. i'd like to thank the schoolboard for allowing so many snow days and not changing the date for graduation. okay, so anyways, saturday i was supposed to go to blackburn so that trenton and myself and a bunch of other kids could to go to a concert. on friday, no school, sleep in, then my mom comes home from work and tells me that the roads are clear and if i wanted to go to blackburn a day early i could, which was really exciting. so i went up there a day early and trent and i got to spend the night together, we didn't do much friday night, but that's okay, because it was still fun.

then, saturday! the day of the toasters concert! we woke up pretty early, and planned on leaving at around 2. we took showers, watched ninja warrior, and cleaned out the car. then around time to leave i got to meet trent's friends mason, bardo, and travis. they were pretty cool kids, although i will admit it was kind of weird going somewhere with 4 guys and 3 of them i didn't know. but anyways, we went to the spaghetti factory and ate, which was absolutely amazing like always. then we drove to the concert and had a good time skanking the night away. only down part of the whole night is that i got harassed by a drunk guy, but trent and his friends helped get him offa me, so that's okay. and when the drunk guy got up on the stage, the bass player kicked him off and nobody caught him, so that's fun. then we went home and i was SO tired! so we went to sleep and ended the perfect saturday.

sunday wasn't anything too special, we woke up late and i got up and took a shower, but my stinky boyfriend was too lazy to do anything besides lay in bed and watch ninja warrior [which i guess was our tv show of the weekend] and finally we got into a pretty amazing wrestling match and i tried to pull him off the bed and throw him out the door. it was pretty great, i will admit it was probably the funnest part of sunday. then finally trent took a shower [i won the match, fa sho.] although, his neighbors probably think that we're crazy, but it's okay. then sadly enough, i had to return home :(

but, it was an amazing weekend. i had a lot of fun :)


Anonymous said...

it sounds like a lot of fun and i'm really sorry that some drunk dude hit on you. dumb drunkards.

you know, it's really fun to wrestle with boyfriends. especially when you know you can beat them up.

i have fingers like biceps. i could totally take josh. haha.

well, i'm rambling now because i'm bored. cya.

Fred said...

It was very fun weekend.
The concert rocked!
The spaghetti was awesome.
I let you win the fight.
My body is sore to day and i have yoga! woo
I wish I was rich because I'd do the stuff we did this weekend all the time.
This summer I'm going to get an awesome job that pays me 3,000 a week so cool stuff will happen.

no really, i am going to try to get a nice job this summer. I figure working full time would actually be a step down in stress and time in comparison to blackburn.

maybe i can get lucky and get an interesting job. I should see if Main Street T's needs anyone or something! i just thought of that. That'd be cool.

anyways i went off on a tangent while i should be finishing up my paper for Journalism.

so final thoughts:
weekend was great, i want more like it.