Saturday, December 15, 2007


sup kiddies?

so, an update. i haven't blogged in awhile, and thought i would do so now.

my weekend is going to be terrible. i have to finish working on my jilg scrapbook, i'll admit that i was a procrastinator and failed to make the pages as they came, but now i've got to make about 5 pages. ugh. i did finish 3 last night though, so that's pretty good. there's an amazing prize for whatever school makes the best scrapbook, and i'm going to work really hard on that for the rest of the school year because i'm in it to win it!

my brother and i went out together last night... i know it's weird. but my mom let me borrow her car and gave me money so there was no way i was going to pass up that opportunity. first we went to benton to eat, and we went to mr. d's, which was pretty good. no complaints. then after we had finished eating, we decided we were gonna go to the movies to see alvin and the chipmunks, but we had about an hour until we needed to show up at the movies. we decided to go mess around in wal-mart, and bryce played video games and i read part of stephen colbert's book in the book aisle, but i didn't want to read too much because i think my secret santa may have got me the book, which would be amazing! but anyways, after wal-mart we decided to go to the movies about 20 minutes early, and when we got there, the place was packed! i think the entire town of benton was at the movies, and when we got to the window to buy the tickets, they sold out! benton movie theater actually sold out! i was shocked, and i felt really bad for my little brother because he really wanted to go see that movie. sorry bryce. =[

so we just went home. and when i got home i started feeling pretty sick, and my throat was hurting and my stomach and my head was on fire, and i tried to call trent and realized that i couldn't even talk. so i took a bunch of medicine to make me feel better and fell asleep on the couch and about an hour later my mom woke me up and i felt even worse, so i took more medicine and went to bed. and then a couple hours later trent called and i was being pretty grumpy and i still couldn't talk, so i didn't really even talk to him. and i feel pretty bad, because i'm sure i seemed like a huge meanie. sorry trenton =[

i'm still sick this morning. blah.

but anyways, trent comes home on monday and i am very excited. i haven't been able to spend time with him in a very long time, and he'll be home for almost a month, which is amazing! i can't wait until he comes home. i hope i'm feeling better by then. and then next week i have finals, then i'll be halfway through my senior year of high school, which is kinda scary because i know there's going to be a lot happening when i graduate. i'm scared.

i think that's all. i don't feel good.
sorry guys.

-Sickly McSicksick.

Monday, December 10, 2007

a day in the life of...

hello everyone =]

it is freezing in my room, and i thought that i should just let you all know that.

my day went pretty well. it all started this morning when i didn't have to tell trent to wake up 70 times, he was already awake when i called! fantastic! haha, my first and second hour classes went pretty well, pretty normal. then i actually spent the rest of the day in the conference room at school with about 12 other cool kids. we spent the day writing a grant for our school about safe teenage driving, and i thought it might be pretty boring, but actually it was pretty fun. the teachers left us all alone in there to write this, so we were guardian-less, and we got free pizza and soda delivered to us for lunch... it was great! we are competing against 15 other schools in our region to win this grant money, and i think we have a pretty good chance of winning. and the cool part is, the school that wins gets $5,000 to plan an after-prom party!

oh, and also the remainder of my time in the conference room was spent putting tin-foil on my teeth and laughing at hannah because we both had grillz.

i did get to spend some time with my friendies today, because we were sent back to class at the end of sixth hour, so all that meant was that i had to go to enlish 1101, and all we ever do in there is go to the computer lab and write papers, although my friends and i usually just get on and talk to each other. but today was different. when we were talking to each other on the chat-box, we all got banned from chatting. and personally i thought it was the computer monitor lady kicking us off chat, but then i realized that if she had really caught us on chat, then she would have kicked us off the computers for good and yelled at us for some time. so, basically, the banning of chat still remains a mystery.

the scholar bowl meet was cancelled for today.
trishina's birthday is tomorrow, we're going to pizza hut.
trent is coming home on sunday.
and, i'm going to get my hair cut now, i hope it turns out okay.


Saturday, December 8, 2007

rainy saturdays

hola !

today is saturday. it's rainy, which is terrible. i hate rainy saturdays because you have nothing better to do than sit at home and write blogs... heh.

my morning was interesting, i got my christmas present from my mom a little early, uh, couple weeks early. she took me to best buy this morning and i got to pick out a new laptop, and it is amazing! its an hp pavilion entertainment pc and it is gorgeous... the most beautiful laptop i could ever ask for. its also very nice because my home computer recently had a crash in the hard drive, so i've been without internet for awhile, but this one is great! =]

i also got to talk to jon today, my amazing bffl cousin who is in the marines. he gets to come home for christmas on the 18th of december and that is extremely exciting because i haven't seen him in a few months. he also said that i won't recognize him because he's been working out so much that he now describes his build as "stacked." so it might be interesting to see someone who's stacked, haha. he also says that he wants to be on ufc [ultimate fighting challenge] and apparently you have to be "one tough mofo" to be on that show.

the bet has moved up to $25. my entire family has made a bet on when the newest member of our family, aidan thomas, will arrive. his due date is january 4th but my cousin chandie, mommy, has already been in labor twice, but the doctors stopped labor and agreed that if she goes into labor again then they would just let her have him. i can't wait for him to be here, i want him to come today, but my bet dates are the 10th and 12th of december, so he can't come until then... and he needs to come soon because i want to win the bet and i am also ready to be auntie leesha. =]

i think that's about all for tonight, i have nothing else to write about.
ttyl! :]

auntie leesha

Friday, December 7, 2007

life in english 1101

hiiiii =]

so... my life was made a little bit better today due to the fact that we have no english teacher and the 110-year-old substitute teacher was wearing gangsta shoes complete with gold shoelaces. too bad she isn't wearing ice 'n grillz. =]
[soulja boy up in 'e yo!]

i also got a new puppy, except for the fact that she's not really a puppy, she's a great dane, her name is sophie! she's black and has a white nose and chest, and she's huge. she's a year old and already knows how to sit and shake hands, and plus she's house-broken, which is good because i'd hate to see what it would be like if she wasn't. ick.
