Monday, December 10, 2007

a day in the life of...

hello everyone =]

it is freezing in my room, and i thought that i should just let you all know that.

my day went pretty well. it all started this morning when i didn't have to tell trent to wake up 70 times, he was already awake when i called! fantastic! haha, my first and second hour classes went pretty well, pretty normal. then i actually spent the rest of the day in the conference room at school with about 12 other cool kids. we spent the day writing a grant for our school about safe teenage driving, and i thought it might be pretty boring, but actually it was pretty fun. the teachers left us all alone in there to write this, so we were guardian-less, and we got free pizza and soda delivered to us for lunch... it was great! we are competing against 15 other schools in our region to win this grant money, and i think we have a pretty good chance of winning. and the cool part is, the school that wins gets $5,000 to plan an after-prom party!

oh, and also the remainder of my time in the conference room was spent putting tin-foil on my teeth and laughing at hannah because we both had grillz.

i did get to spend some time with my friendies today, because we were sent back to class at the end of sixth hour, so all that meant was that i had to go to enlish 1101, and all we ever do in there is go to the computer lab and write papers, although my friends and i usually just get on and talk to each other. but today was different. when we were talking to each other on the chat-box, we all got banned from chatting. and personally i thought it was the computer monitor lady kicking us off chat, but then i realized that if she had really caught us on chat, then she would have kicked us off the computers for good and yelled at us for some time. so, basically, the banning of chat still remains a mystery.

the scholar bowl meet was cancelled for today.
trishina's birthday is tomorrow, we're going to pizza hut.
trent is coming home on sunday.
and, i'm going to get my hair cut now, i hope it turns out okay.


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