Friday, January 18, 2008


i've decided that scholarships are no fun, but necessary to get me through college.

i'm working on filling out as many as possible, and hopefully i won't have to pay anything for college, wouldn't that be amazing!?

i'm also here to let you know that if you fill out scholarships there are some things that you should keep in mind:
1. if the fags on the internet tell you to pay money to apply for the scholarship, don't do it! it's a fraud. and that's bad.
2. you can get scholarships for just about anything. examples: being left handed or being ran over by a tractor on accident.
3. there are actually ones on the internet that are pretty easy to apply to. just put in your info and they pick randomly, which means no essay writing.
4. the only scholarships mrs. henry decides to show us are the ones that apply to people who are going to major in agriculture.

and that's about all for now.
be safe out there!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

dime a dozen miseries

i really just hate when people are blind and can't see what's really happening.

i guess sometimes you only do what's in your best interest,
and it may not seem smart to listen to the people around you.
after all, it's your life.
not theirs.
i just wish people could see what's really good for them,
not what they think is right at the time.
i mean, you're growing up,
and i do understand when my parents tell me
"you think you know everything at eighteen,"
i'm too young to know anything yet,
just, i think a lot.
friends, family, boyfriend, school, everything.
and for me to be too young,
means my friends, the people i look up to most,
are too young too.
there's three people in particular that i can talk to about anything,
and what if they're too young to know anything?
it's like i'm looking down instead of up.
but really, it's not about me,
just about people in particular that if i were to write names,
it'd start a whole bunch of drama that doesn't need to happen.
and if your reading this, don't worry.
chances are it's not you.
i just hate to see things around me that others can't see for themselves.
i just want to tell them they're being stupid,
but i realize there are probably things that people think i'm stupid for.
so my strategy is to keep my mouth shut.
i just felt like i needed to get things off my chest,
and i just wish people would open their eyes.

it makes me wonder what i'm missing out of life.

Friday, January 11, 2008

the day after...

okay, so yesterday was my birthday, and it was really great. i had probably one of the greatest birthdays of my life. my day at school was pretty great, everyone was pretty nice to me and my friendies sang really loud to me at lunch, and everyone got along pretty well. also, mrs. laur let us play speedball in p.e., she said it was for me. definitely.

after school my friends and i had planned to go to don tequila's to eat some mexican for dinner, and i was really really happy because all of my friends came, and usually at my birthday parties a few people don't go, but this year everyone went and truly it made me the happiest girl in the world. the party consisted of:

me [duh]
and kanako!

it was really great. we went to don tequilas and i absolutely love the waitresses there [they said i'm like their daughter] and i got a soda and she didn't charge me for it! and then also i noticed that most of my friends ordered the smaller order of chicken on the beach and the waitress brought them all big orders! i was pretty excited. and then after we were all done eating, the waitress brought me fried ice cream with sprinkles and stuff on it. she put the big sombrero on me and then everyone sang happy birthday to me, and she got this huge spoonful of ice cream and shoved it in my face! i literally inhaled it and it went everywhere! it was really funny, and of course everyone took pictures. haha.

then i got to open my amazing gifts!
maria got me a cute card & money, which is always absolutely amazing, i love money. and bart got me a white board and markers and an eraser for my room which was really nice, bart's a nice kid, and he also took into consideration that i said that i wanted stuff for my room, and a white board is something i've been wanting for awhile. that was a good gift. and kanako got me haichu's, which is kinda like starburst but they're green apple and from japan, they're awesome. and she also got me this really cute necklace with an angel on it, kanako's great. bffl kana! and kim got me a whole huge bag of stuffs, such as a college fund, a red and black [blackburn colors] sweatshirt, an extremely embarassing picture of me and katie from jr. high, and a witty card with all her love! when i read the card i really almost cried. i loved all my gifts from everyone and really, just everyone coming to my birthday was a good enough gift!

to conclude this birthday blog, i say that i had a great birthday. my friends are great and i had so much fun last night!!! ily guys!<3

the birthday girl.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


today is my
eighteenth birthday!

here is a great 18th birthday comic sponsored by google images. enjoy!

i apologize, i could not fit it on the blog. it's too big.

now enjoy these pictures of celebrities on their 18th birthdays.

nikki hilton

the olsen twins

and chris brown.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

transportation problems.

so the streetlight manifesto concert got cancelled.

well not cancelled, postponed.
they had "transportation problems."

although trent was running late, and i was mad, the night turned out pretty well. OF COURSE, trent was running late and i was angry, haha. and just as he was coming to my house to pick me up, his sister called and said that the concert had been cancelled. he got to my house and said so, and i was upset! i was so looking forward to seeing streetlight manifesto... it makes me sad. but i guess it's good that it was only postponed, that means we will still get to see a concert, but who knows when. so trent was at my house and we had nothing to do. we decided to go to red lobster to eat, which was amazing! the food was good and trenton and i had fun. we also even got crab legs and had a lot of fun trying to crack them open! tehe. it was the first time i ever had crab legs, and even though i don't really think i liked them, i still liked cracking them open and pulling the stuff out and eating it. haha.

then we went to toys-r-us. that was okay, there was practically nobody in there except me and trent. we looked at the video games and the computer games and board games, and then trent was complaining about how he had to go to the bathroom, so he left. i thought the kid went to the bathroom and he called me like 10 minutes later, and he was out in the car! he said he thought i went to the car and i thought he went to the bathroom. so then i realized i was walking around in toys-r-us like a lunatic by myself. haha. so i went to leave and i couldn't find the exit. it's cool though, the guy working there thought i was nuts though, i think he thought i was either a psychopath or trying to steal something, he asked if i was "doing okay" and then asked if i "needed any help." ...what a freak.

then we went home.
i hope i get to see me some streetlight soon.

the toys-r-us bandit.

Monday, January 7, 2008


tonight is the streetlight manifesto concert.

i cannot explain how excited i am! i've only seen sm once before, but the one concert i did see was amazing, and i'm sure tonight is going to be no different! excitement.

trent is taking me to this concert for my 18th birthday, which is on thursday, btw. he's also taking me to the spaghetti factory, which is our most favorite restaurant ever!

we have to leave right after school, hopefully we get there and do everything in time and we aren't rushed. i hate when time is rushed.

i'll be tired tomorrow at school, look out!

ok ok!

i also hope our car doesn't break down in east st. louis.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

christmas / new year

hello amigos.

so it's update time! yay.

my life has been pretty hectic lately, and i'm sure everyone else's has too... it's been christmas and new year's, you know. my holidays went pretty well, i got everything i wanted plus more...

chelsea just made a really ugly face.

no but really, christmas was really fun. my parents got me a laptop, new nike shox, tons of clothes, guitar hero III, candy, and lots of other stuff that i can't remember right now, sorry. trent got me a cooler for my laptop, a new wireless mouse, and a new promise ring! it's really gorgeous, i love it. i also got some more clothes and money from the rest of my family, which is great, i like clothes and money. christmas morning was pretty cool, opening gifts is always great, except i thought this year would be somewhat different considering my little brother is a little older and i thought he would at least sleep in a little bit, but no. he burst into my room at 7:30 in the morning, and i had to go open presents. ugh. christmas day was fun. the whole family came over and we all opened presents and ate, fun fun. christmas night i went over to trent's house and got to open more presents from his dad, little sister, and older sister. from them i got money, kohl's gift card, wal-mart gift card, and streetlight manifesto concert tickets, all of which are great. then i spent the night at trent's, that was fun. we got to sleep in late.

so then a few days pass by with my new gifts, i spent a lot of time with trent which was great, because i usually never get to see him because he's so far away for college. we had a lot of fun together. then on december 29, my cousin chandra was scheduled to get her labor induced at the hospital, so my mom & i went up to carbondale and sat with her for a little bit. she was only having small contractions, nothing too much. we stayed the night with her and in the morning her contractions started getting a little worse, and she was having trouble moving around when they started her on medicine to get her labor going faster. we waited all day long and honestly her contractions were only a couple minutes apart when it started getting late, and i spent my second night in the hospital waiting room. we waited all night long, and i living on monster energy drinks and cappuccino's, sat there in the waiting room with about 13 other people. what's great is, trent even came to spend time with the family, and i said that he didn't have to stay, but being the great boyfriend he is, spent the whole night at the hospital with me. then FINALLY, about 5:00am, she started pushing. my mom came into the waiting room about 30 minutes later, he had been born! after three days in the hospital and over 23 hours in labor, aidan thomas smialek was finally here! and he's awfully cute too. he was 8 lbs 7 oz and 20 inches long. he's beautiful. i got to hold him a few minutes after he was born and he is gorgeous, i love him.

then i went to a murder mystery party on new year's eve with trent. it was western-themed, and trent and i looked GOOD as cowboys. my name was hazel honeysuckle, and i was a traveler to the deadwood saloon. trent was my husband, milton farley, and the night was great. i didn't guess the murderer though, but it's ok. it was fun. we went home and watched "zombie honeymoon," which we thought was going to be a porno, haha, because it was on hbo late at night, and we laughed because it was some cheesy no-money-needed-to-make horror film. then after that we went to bed... and slept in until 2pm the next day! haha.

we're back in school now. it kinda sucks, because i liked sleeping in and then getting up and going to spend the whole day with trent, but now i've got to get back to homework and school. not fun. it'll be okay. my birthday's coming up soon.

ok that's all.
hope you enjoyed the update.

the updater.