Friday, February 29, 2008

random thoughts

hello friends.

so today has been mediocre. i changed my profile earlier this morning, and i like this just as well as my last one. and weird as it may seem, i thought that my profile should be green, so this is what i came up with. although, i did ask trishina permission to use this profile because she's has the same one but in pink. but she's a chill girl and said she didn't mind. yeah. hahaha. i'm a fag.

some pregnant chick wearing capris stole my computer. does she not understand that i sit at that computer in the library every day of my life? honestly, this year so far, i've NEVER sat anywhere else. and no computer in this library is as great as my computer, NONE. i frikkin hate this computer that i'm sitting at now, the mouse sucks and the keyboard feels weird and it's mixed... no seriously. the monitor is white but the keyboard and tower are black. ugh. i wish i had my old computer back!

mrs. johnson watches lost. that's pretty cool, i had no idea that she watched it. i love that show more than i love life. she just walked over here but i had to switch to solitaire because we can't let the authoritative figures know that we use blogger, because they'll rid it just like they did myspace. damn librarians.

i think this weekend will be cool. i'm not really doing anything tonight, but that's just fine with me. i've been extremely busy this week and i'm glad that i finally have a night where i don't have to do much. i fell asleep in geography so maybe i should take a nap tonight. i think i might. but anyways, i think trent might come home this weekend. i love that kid, really. he would do anything for me, and i love that about him. he wasn't going to come home at first, but then we both realized that he'll be gone for the next two weeks to north carolina [or somewhere, i don't know] and we'll barely even be able to talk. so, being the awesome boyfriend he is, he might come home just to make me happy.

kim and lindi won't shut the fuck up. they're really annoying me.
lindi: she said that you don't sing on time or the right notes.
kim: i do sing the right part lindi! she took me off descant! i sing right i sing right!
lindi: i'm just repeating what she said quit yelling at me!
kim: no you quit yelling at me, i'm just discussing it!
lindi: well go talk to her, i'm just saying what she said.
kim: well i don't want to go talk to her...
everyone: shut up! you're really annoying. one of you go over and talk to the other. quit yelling across the room.
lindi: come over here.
kim: no! you come over here!

that was the most ridiculous moment of my life.
i'm done now.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

i'm FKN stressed out, dude.

it's true. this week has probably been the most stressful week of my life, and honestly, mrs. johnson's not making it any better right now. ugh.

okay, so first off, i have had so much stuff to do for school this week, enough homework to where i actually have to take it home and work on it for a couple hours a night. and to be honest, i never ever have to take homework home.

secondly, my great aunt sterling is in the hospital, again. she was there a couple weeks ago because she fell and couldn't get up, so when she got out of the hospital, i had to stay with her because she couldn't take care of herself. then, this weekend on my way up to blackburn, i got a call saying that she had fallen again and is in the hospital, again. but this time after she gets out of the hospital they're making her go to a nursing home for about a month so that she can get her strength back and then she'll go home. but to make matters worse, my dad's mother fucking stupid ass family has decided to get in on this and they're trying to make her go to a nursing home really far away. i honestly wouldn't care if they all just died in a terrible car crash. they obviously don't care about her and just want her to go away so they don't have to take care of her anymore. that's cowardly, and i wouldn't care if they just... died. i wouldn't. i know it's a terrible thing to say but goddammit, i hate them. they don't do anything for me and don't even acknowledge that i'm related to them and finally when they do see me, they give me tons of shit about how i never come to see them, and yell at me. and first off, i'm eighteen years old, and not one of those eighteen birthdays or christmases have they ever gotten me anything. why would i want to see them? and i love my aunt sterling more than anyone, she's raised me and taken care of me since i was a little baby, and i don't understand how such an amazing person can be related to such a group of fucking idiots. i don't! i swear if they do anything to make her go far away or anything i'll sue them. i'll take everything they have and leave them homeless.

and yes, i'm a heartless bitch. so what.

oh, and my cell phone bill is due in 8 days and it's $115.
i have about $50.


Monday, February 25, 2008

the perfect weekend

i'd like to start off by saying this weekend was one of the best weekends in a very long time.

it all started on thursday [odd day to start the weekend, but whatever] and we had a snow day at school, which was pretty great, i'm always excited to sleep in. all day i did pretty much nothing, which was also good. then on friday we had another snow day, and i've noticed, that we've never had this many days off school since i can remember, and they wait until my senior year to make all these days off school possible. i'd like to thank the schoolboard for allowing so many snow days and not changing the date for graduation. okay, so anyways, saturday i was supposed to go to blackburn so that trenton and myself and a bunch of other kids could to go to a concert. on friday, no school, sleep in, then my mom comes home from work and tells me that the roads are clear and if i wanted to go to blackburn a day early i could, which was really exciting. so i went up there a day early and trent and i got to spend the night together, we didn't do much friday night, but that's okay, because it was still fun.

then, saturday! the day of the toasters concert! we woke up pretty early, and planned on leaving at around 2. we took showers, watched ninja warrior, and cleaned out the car. then around time to leave i got to meet trent's friends mason, bardo, and travis. they were pretty cool kids, although i will admit it was kind of weird going somewhere with 4 guys and 3 of them i didn't know. but anyways, we went to the spaghetti factory and ate, which was absolutely amazing like always. then we drove to the concert and had a good time skanking the night away. only down part of the whole night is that i got harassed by a drunk guy, but trent and his friends helped get him offa me, so that's okay. and when the drunk guy got up on the stage, the bass player kicked him off and nobody caught him, so that's fun. then we went home and i was SO tired! so we went to sleep and ended the perfect saturday.

sunday wasn't anything too special, we woke up late and i got up and took a shower, but my stinky boyfriend was too lazy to do anything besides lay in bed and watch ninja warrior [which i guess was our tv show of the weekend] and finally we got into a pretty amazing wrestling match and i tried to pull him off the bed and throw him out the door. it was pretty great, i will admit it was probably the funnest part of sunday. then finally trent took a shower [i won the match, fa sho.] although, his neighbors probably think that we're crazy, but it's okay. then sadly enough, i had to return home :(

but, it was an amazing weekend. i had a lot of fun :)

Friday, February 15, 2008

valentine's day<33

so, yesterday was valentine's day...

it was probably the most uneventful valentine's day ever. we had a snow day at school and so i stayed at home all day, and didn't even get to spend the day with my sweetheart because he lives so far away. i didn't have a bad day though, just slightly boring.

although i didn't get to spend the day with trent, i did come to a realization. i realized that trent is the best boyfriend in the entire world, and i mean it. he tried so hard to make my day good for me and was just probably the cutest thing in the entire world. he called me when he wasn't busy all day long just to tell me he loved me, and although it wasn't much, it meant a lot to me. he also made a video for me just to tell me how much i mean to him and how much he loved me. and it was the sweetest thing i've ever seen, i'm so happy that he made it for me.

apparently, he says there's much much more to my valentine's day gifts, and i believe they'll be coming to me everyday until sunday, when we actually get to see each other and spend our "fake valentine's day" together. i'm pretty excited.

so basically, even though i didn't get to see trent, i did have a very good valentine's day. i spent most of the day in my pajama bottoms, but still... every time my phone rang i got a compliment and was told that i was loved... and i know it sounds silly, but it really made me happy. i'm so glad that trent & i are going out and have been for 2 and a half years. i hope it's for much longer.

hehe & since i know trent will read this...
i love you baby and i always will. you really are the greatest & you make me the happiest girlfriend in the entire world! :)

i'm bored now.
i hate first and second hours. blah.

Monday, February 11, 2008

i stole something from my boyfran<3

have you ever...?

been in love?: yes :)
ate cactus?: nope. that's kinda weird.
rode a horse?: once.
skinny dipped?: haha, for sure.
streaked?: yes... lol.
toilet papered a house?: yep.
touched a donkey?: sexually? no!
made out in the dark?: yep.
in the rain?: yes :)
in public?: well, trent says we have, but i don't remember... so i guess so.
ate dirt?: probably.
fainted?: nope.
been in a mosh pit?: yes!
made a mosh pit?: once.
had liberty spikes?: no, haha.
had a mohawk?: nope.
failed a grade?: never.
been in a band?: haha, if you count sunday's best :D
been in marching band?: nuh uh.
wrote an anonomous love letter?: i don't think so.
hate letter?: nope.
had a friend named Bob?: haha, i don't think so.
made hemp bracelets?: nope.
had a heat spell?: haha, probably.
stripped?: ;)
been on a sport team?: back in the day...
gotten beat up?: all the time :D
played in mud?: yes.
thought about your existance?: yes.
swam in a pond?: no, i think i'm too scared.
kissed a stranger?: nope.
had more than 1 love?: nope :)
gave blood?: nuh uh.
believe in love at first sight?: i don't think. i believe in "like at first sight."
been deep sea fishing?: nope, but it sounds fun.
pet a dolphin?: no, but i'd like to.
ate grass?: haha, probably.
been to a concert?: for sure!
been to a show?: isn't this the same as a concert?
been to a party?: yep.
been drunk?: yes.
smoked?: ew, no.
got high?: ew, no.
see sawed?: haha, yes.
went to a scary movie and left?: yes, texas chainsaw massacre.
talked to a cow?: haha, i don't ever think i've been close enough to a cow to talk to it.
skateboarded?: yes.
fell?: yep.
snowboarded?: no, but i'd like to.
ice skated?: once.
mowed the lawn?: unfortunately.
listened to rave music?: not consistantly
rap?: yes.
rock?: yes.
indie?: yes.
emo?: yes.
dressed goth?: haha ugh.
dressed prep?: sure.
talked to yourself?: haha, yeah.
cut yourself?: nope.
seen a naked person?: :D
taken a shower with your clothes on?: i once got in the bathtub with my socks on by accident.
worn socks to bed?: only when my toes are cold.
cussed an animal out?: haha probably.
worn bright pink?: yep.
worn black lipstick?: nope.
been obsessed over somebody?: yeah :)
been kissed by the opposite sex?: yes.
saw story of the year in concert?: i don't think.
yellowcard?: nope.
antiflag?: i don't think.
listened to country?: yes.
been to a country concert?: no.
fed a llama?: haha, i don't know.
rode an elephant?: yes, i begged my mom when i was little, and when i got on it i hated it.
watched a nonrated movie?: yes.
saw a shark?: yes.
had AOL?: yes.
been on the internet for over 5 hours at a time?: haha, yeah.
cussed somebody out in a different language?: i don't know. i don't think.
been burned?: yeah.
been bit by a person?: yes.
ate raw meat?: if sushi counts then yes.
left your light on after watching a scary movie?: haha yeah.
told a joke and nobody laughed?: ugh. yeah. lol.
made your own clothes?: i don't think so.
stook antidepressants?: nope.
asked somebody out?: i don't remember.
danced in your room naked?: probably.
sung in the shower?: yes.
found money?: i wish i did more often.
gave bad advice on purpose?: no.
made someone cry?: yes.
ate a whole box of pizza in one day?: totino's!
bought something off of ebay?: nope.
never paid somebody back?: probably.
done a really stupid dare?: yes.
done something embarassing in public for attention?: probably.
talked on the phone for 4 hours?: yessir.
drunk out of a sippy cup?: yeah.
listened to hot hot heat?: not consistently, but yes.
had a pen pal?: yes.
won an award for anything?: yeah.
grew a plant?: i don't know.
have you ever pee'd in the woods?: no, ew. haha.

oh, and also. i was driving around with paige this weekend and we saw matt & brody and we pulled over and talked to them for awhile and they told us about this porn with the cup and 2 chicks, and apparently all the boys in high school have watched it. and it honestly made me really sick. apparently the girls shit all over eachother then lick it and eat it and it is SICK! oh my gosh... it was so sick that i was crying and gagging and matt actually threw up all over the parking lot. then i saw on youtube where these guys at blackburn made this girl watch it and she was incredibly freaked out. now, i've never seen this, but i'm just saying...'s a revolution!

Friday, February 8, 2008

my bffl.

so i just decided that chelsea is probably the coolest girl in the entire world. she does crazy things and she's really weird sometimes, especially when she sings lip gloss in computers and it freaks the hell out of me. but seriously, she's a real cool girl.

i think she's probably just like me but in a more model-like way. but we can pretty much agree on anything and it think she's awesome. the end.

i wrote this entire blog staring into her eyes while she was singing lip gloss to me, sticking her tongue out, licking her lips, and dancing all over my body. how exciting.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

super tuesday!

today is super tuesday.

barack, hillary, and whoever else is in the race...
nobody knows.

i'm going with trishina today after school to vote. it's kinda weird because i figured with sesser being such a small town that we'd vote at the same place, but our voting cards have us stationed at different places to vote. ugh. i'm scared to go in the vfw by myself to vote! haha. and also, just mentioning that we're going to vote after school turned into a very heated (and loud) debate at the breakfast table about who was the best candidate for president. me and trishina were screaming barack, chelsea was yelling about how the race is dead now that john edwards is gone, and bart and maria were screaming at each other about how some presidential candidate got a $2000 haircut. and who would spend so much money on a haircut if he could really be feeding the starving children in africa and getting a $15 cut at wal-mart? seriously! but no, it was loud, and quite embarassing. and of course, the debate followed us all the way to first hour computers, and where the whole entire class joined in about who was the greatest candidate...

... all because i asked trishina if she was going with me to vote after school.


i think today will be a pretty good day. everyone came to school in a good mood, and although the debate was heated for awhile, nobody really got mad at each other, it was more of a good-mooded event. i suppose. but anyways, i hope everyone stays in a good mood and that i have a good day, because i want to.

okay, that is all for now, classes are getting ready to switch over and my computers kids are leaving me for the consumer ed kids, and i'm glad that i don't have to move and just stay at my computer for another hour.

that is all!

Monday, February 4, 2008

A Trip to BC

so i had a really good weekend =]
i went up to blackburn to visit trenton and hang out with him for the weekend. we had a lot of fun, and the whole weekend was great. i went up there saturday morning and left sunday afternoon. it was really snowy, but i didn't have too much trouble driving up there, i mostly drove interstates so there were no slick spots. although, i couldn't say the same for blackburn campus. everything was iced over, and the only footprints in the snow were the ones from the first person who had to walk through the snow, then everyone else just followed the first person's footprints, so that's what i did. but aside from the snow, the weekend was really fun.

i got up there saturday morning after 2 hours of driving, and luckilly trent was able to get my phone call when i got there and come let me in the dorm, opposed to last time when i couldn't call him and i stood outside for 20 minutes waiting for him to come unlock the door for me. trent lives on the third floor now, and the stairs aren't fun, i will admit. he's also made a top bunk bed out of his bed, which is now located on the top of his dresser and desk, making it impossible for me to get up there, because i'm so scared i'm going to fall 6 feet down and hit the ground. but, after i got there we went to this chinese restaurant in litchfield, and it was really really good. we ate sushi and accidently tracked mud all over the floor :) haha. then saturday night we went to see this magician, named brian brushwood, who was absolutely hilarious. he's a college-traveling magician and he's great. he did a lot of tricks and magic stuff that was really good, and he even lit himself on fire and cut his tongue off. it's true. then after the magician i went and met some of trent's friends and played some pool. then we went back to trent's dorm and decided to go to the new wal-mart, which is AMAZING! i've never seen a wal-mart like it, and when you walk down the frozen food aisles, the lights are all off. BUT, when you walk down the aisle, the lights turn on! it's great, we spent about 15 minutes just running down the aisles and then trying to get down the aisles without turning the lights on. fantastic. then we took our little shopping cart and did trent's grocery shopping, complete with jello, granola bars, sunny d, and macaroni and cheese. then we went home and went to bed.

i woke up early sunday morning, and went to get in the shower. it was kind of awkward because there were girls in there that didn't know who i was, so being the awesome kid i am, i introduced myself and made some bathroom friends. i was up for almost 3 hours when trent woke up. we watched an episode of the king of queens and then went to our favorite carlinville mexican restaurant. it was good. then it was finally time for me to go home. but trent, being the good boyfriend he is, carried my suitcase out to my car for me and then we said goodbye, it really sucked because i don't get to see him that often, but hopefully we'll see each other again soon... and then it stormed the whole way home... and i hate driving through rain on the interstate.

but, in conclusion, it really was a good weekend. i'm so glad that i got to go up and see trent, i think he had a lot of fun too :)

now enjoy pictures of brian brushwood;

he hammered that nail into his nose.
and he also ate fire.